New Patients at Active Chiropractic
Welcome to Active Chiropractic!
Your visits to our clinic are focused on you. On your first visit, we’ll get to know you and understand what you’re seeking help with. After we discuss your health goals, we’ll work with you towards finding solutions that will address your concerns.

Report of Findings
On your return visit, we will go over our report of findings. We’ll show you exactly what your problem is, the cause of it, and how your lifestyle can support wellness. Your spine and nervous system are in control of your health, and we’ll chat about this as well as how many visits you’ll need initially.
We’ll also discuss nutrition and exercises with you that may benefit your healing process as you continue with treatment. At this visit you will also receive another chiropractic adjustment, so plan on being with us for about a half-hour.

Schedule Your Appointment
We want you to feel comfortable knowing you’ve put your health in capable hands. Contact us today to find out if we can help you.